Maunga Taiohi
Ko te waiata nei e hāngai pū ana ki ngā piki me ngā heke a te hunga taiohi i tō rātou hikoitanga ki te tihi o Maunga Taiohi, arā rā, ko te maunga e kōrerohia ake nei ko te whakawhitinga mai i te taiohi ki te pakeke.Kāore e kore kua mōhiotia whānuitia e tātou ki te uauatanga me te tūpoutanga o tēnei hikoi, e kaha patua ana rātou e ngā hau pūkeri e tūrakina nei ēnei kia kore rawa e mau i ngā wawata e wawatangia nei e rātou. Nā, ko ēnei maramara kupu e pā ana ki te hikoi rā.

Mōteatea – Te Tūhonotanga
He kōrero tēnei e hāngai pū ana ki ngā kōrero i kauwhau mai nei a Wallace Wihongi i tana taenga mai ki konei i te tau 2004. Ko Wallace anō he kaumātua i te rohe o Ngā Puhi, nō konā i kōrero ai mō tōna ake iwi.  

In 2004 Wallace Wihongi visited BYU-H and gave a presentation on the origins of Ngā Puhi where they came from and how and when they arrived in Aotearoa. According to him Ngā Puhi came from the Hawaiian islands so we follow that whakapapa as our source to link we the Māori to these islands. 

Te Oranga o te Matauranga
This is a Kaioraora and a challenge to all parents to take our children’s education in our own hands, rebuke to the local government of Hawaii, pertaining to the educational system here in this state.

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