There are over 36,000 Māori within the Canterbury region; the Ngāpuhi population of the area is second only to Ngāi Tahu (Te Puni Kōkiri, 2001). With an ever increasing Māori population comes an increase in issues around loss of identity, reo, tikanga and disconnectedness. As Māori, particularly rangatahi, are becoming urbanised reconnecting to who they are and where they are from becomes increasingly important. This paper seeks to identify innovative and effective methods to assist the Ngāpuhi whānau living in Christchurch to reconnect back home. It discusses the nature and extent of the mātauranga of Ngāpuhi hapū and asks, who are the repositories that have this knowledge, how accessible is it and most importantly how can it be used to assist and transform Ngāpuhi whānau living away from home?
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