This paper focusses on my whakapapa (genealogy) to Ōmāhu and the hapū (sub-tribe) of Ngāti Hinemanu and the consequent link to our tribal whenua (land). Here, the emphasis is on describing the framework and methodology of whakapapa and in applying it to the specific lineage that culminates with me. The whakapapa commences with Papatūānuku (Earth Mother) in mythical times 46 generations ago but focuses particularly on the 16 generations from Rongomaiwahine, high chieftainess of Te Māhia who was courted by the traveller from Northland, Kahungunu. Their marriage gives rise to two modern-day tribes which are Rongomaiwahine and Ngāti Kahungunu. They belong to a region equating roughly to broader Hawke's Bay. The lineage passes down through Hinemanu from which one of the hapū of Ōmāhu, Ngāti Hinemanu derives its name. The whakapapa rendition finally arrives at the author. This paper seeks to illustrate the methodology and to demonstrate the strong connections between whakapapa, and Māori identity.
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