This research will investigate major theoretical and cultural questions about the nature of teaching and learning in the supervisory process for Māori doctoral students. The existing research literature suggests that doctoral supervision is a complex and not well-understood process and there is to date no literature that looks at the teaching and learning experience within Māori doctoral supervision. Furthermore, current Māori doctoral students consistently report significant concerns related to supervision. The research team represents a partnership between experienced Māori and Pākehā researchers who are also doctoral supervisors (practitioners) from two universities and one whare wānanga. The team is also in partnership with the Māori doctoral programme coordinated by Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga. Our goal is to enhance understanding of the teaching and learning process of supervision for students and supervisors, particularly around issues of culture that arise in research methodologies and practices. This understanding will inform development activities in support of positive outcomes for Māori doctoral students.
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