“Ko au te poropiti whakamutunga, kaare he poropiti, e whai i muri atu i ahau” or “I am the last prophet, there will be no other after me”. In 2007, Te Pane Ariki Arekahānara Piripi or Alex Phillips of Mana Ariki marae in Taumarunui, announced to Aotearoa New Zealand that he was the ‘last of the prophets’and that there would be no other after him. Not long after his announcement, Te Pane Ariki or Arekahānara Piripi passed away, leaving his prophesies as a legacy for his people. This research is about the life of Te Pane Ariki and his spiritual commitment to his people. The study was completed in 2007 for Te Iti Rearea Bachelor of Teaching and Learning at Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi, the tribal University in Whakatāne, New Zealand. The literature used for this research study was taken from the Mana Ariki Marae archives, while others were from previous studies of prophets and seers. Arekahānara Piripi gave his consent and blessing for this research to be undertaken by the author who was his personal assistant and one of his many followers.
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